Emergency Dentist Palm Coast

Relieving Pain & Repairing Damaged Smiles

Woman rubbing her jaw in pain

From a broken tooth or lost dental crown to a severe toothache or lacerated gums, it’s important that patients have a plan in place to get the help they need. Our dentists understand that pain can often feel like the biggest problem, which is why we aim to help patients as quickly as we can so that discomfort goes away, and we can repair damaged smiles to look brand-new. If you or a loved one need an emergency dentist in Palm Coast to address a dental injury, call us today.

Why Choose Boulder Rock Dental for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Dental Team Will Get You in As Quickly as Possible
  • Dental Insurance PPO Plans Are Welcome
  • Dental Experts Committed to Collaborative Care

How We Treat Dental Emergencies

Senior man in dental chair with toothache visiting emergency dentist in Palm Coast
  • Call Our Office – The moment a dental injury occurs, patients should call our office right away. A member of our team will take down the information and find a time for the person to come in for treatment.
  • Complete an Examination – After arriving at our office, one of our dentists will evaluate any digital images as well as perform a visual examination to locate the problem area and determine how best to address the issue.
  • Develop a Treatment Plan – Taking all the necessary information and compiling it, we will craft a personalized treatment plan and go over it with the patient.
  • Receive Essential Care – The final step is for us to provide essential oral healthcare to improve one’s damaged smile. This may include receiving antibiotics, a dental filling or crown, root canal treatment, or even tooth extraction.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

Below are various emergencies we treat in the office. If you are experiencing any of these please reach out to our office.