Capable Dentist Palm Coast

Get to Know Thomas Huntley, DMD

Palm Coast dentist Dr. Thomas Huntley

Dr. Thomas Huntley's favorite experience is getting people to smile. He takes great pride in lowering dental anxiety and feels very fortunate to be able to help others. His highest priority is to establish trusting and respectful relationships with his patients in Palm Coast. He believes treatment planning is a team effort and looks forward to not only meeting you but also working together to accomplish your dental goals!

Where Did You Study Dentistry?

Dr. Huntley grew up in New York and completed his education in Pennsylvania. He received his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Pennsylvania and went on to complete a hospital-based general practice residency with Penn State.

Outside of the Dental Office, What Do You Like to Do?

Man about to shoot basketball while sun is setting

When not treating patients, Dr. Huntley enjoys working out, playing basketball, visiting various springs and beaches, but most of all, spending time with his wife and daughter.